Property Information
Attercliffe Road Sheffield
Price: Rent: POA
Size: 39868 sq ft3703 sqm
Primary Category: Office
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH410215
Property Ref/Agent: Atlas House I18
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
LOCATION:This prominent well known landmark building is located fronting onto Attercliffe Road at its junction with Lovell Street in the heart of Sheffields revitalised Lower Don Valley.The Don Valley has become one of the premier business locations in Sheffield lying equidistant between the City centre which lies 1.5 miles to the South and The M1 Motorway junction 34, which boasts the tremendously successful Meadowhall Regional shopping centre.Major employers with substantial office buildings in the valley include The Abbey, South Yorkshire Police, Freemans, Insight Europe, Barclays and Standard Life etc.DESCRIPTION:The building essentially comprises a former Headquarters office building set within a site area of approx. 1.97 acres with the accommodation located over five floors, as detailed in these particulars. The building is approached from a lofty and impressive entrance lobby with the upper floors accessed via 2/3 lifts.The offices are part cellular and part open plan in layout on a 2/3 rds, 1/3 rd split from the central core, and are undergoing complete external and internal refurbishment to bring them up to a modern Grade A office standard. The building will be fully available for occupation from Early 2007.To the front and rear there is extensive on site car parking available.ACCOMMODATION:The building comprises the following approximate floor areas:SQ.FT SQ M
Ground Floor 4595.5+ 6170
426.9 + 573.2First 6246
580.3Second 6309
586.1Third 2121.5 + 4040197.1 + 375.3Fourth 2140.5 + 3895198.86 + 61.8Fifth
39,868 sq.ft. Includes mezzanine RATING:The offices have been taken out of rating whilst the refurbishment of the building proceeds. Obviously the building will attract business rates on completion.PLANNING:The existing planning is for B1 Office use, although we believe the ground floor could be converted into a showroom or clean warehouse/workshop area, subject to obtaining the necessary Planning Consents.LEASE:The offices are available as a whole or on a floor by floor basis on a new Lease, the length of which is negotiable. Any Lease will be drawn on standard FR terms and incorporate 5 yearly rent reviews. SALE PRICE/TENURE:The Freehold interest may be available for sale with vacant possession. Details on sale price are available from the agents.