Property Information
Cross Green, Grastyle Works, Leeds
, LS9 0SE
Price: Rent: POA
Size: 185 to 3623 sqm
Primary Category: Warehouse
All Categories:
Office, Warehouse,
Property Ref/Movehut: MH421429
Property Ref/Agent: Cross Green, Grastyle Works, Cross green Way, Leeds, LS9 0SE
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
Situated in South East Leeds benefiting from the completed A63 Leeds Link Road connecting the estate to the regions motorways. Situated in the Aire
Valley Leeds Enterprise Zone offering relocation assistance. A warehouse of 39,602 sq. ft. is divided into two self-contained warehouses/workshop
units with their own service yards.
Unit 1: Offices 2000 sq. ft. and warehousing 14,000 sq. ft. presently
occupied by a Cleaning contract and supplies company.
Unit 2: Warehousing 23,000 presently occupied for storage and
Total area: 39,000 sq. ft.