Property Information
171A Castle Boulevard Nottingham City NG7 1GY
, NG7 1GY
Price: Rent: POA
Sale Price: POA
Size: SOA
Primary Category: Office
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH487767
Property Ref/Agent: 171A Castle Boulevard Nottingham City NG7 1GY
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
The property is located in a prominent postition fronting Castle Boulevard, one of the busiest roads into and out of Nottingham. Nearby occupiers include Laura Ashley, Dolland & Aitchison, Majestic Wines, Hi Q, ATS and Nationalwide Auto Centre. Immediately adjacent is the junction with Castle Bridge Road which leads to the Castle Marina Retail Park where occupiers include Sainsburys, Comet and Mothercare. The property comprises a detched building with a substantial surfaced yard. The Building, which is of steel portal frame construction provides a workshop with ground and first floor offices.