Property Information
, LS12 6LX
Price: Rent: £259 Per Month
Size: 5 to 669 sqm
Primary Category: Serviced Office
All Categories:
Office, Serviced Office,
Property Ref/Movehut: MH530166
Property Ref/Agent: 6998
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
Leeds-LS12 | Office Space to Let - Flexible Terms | 2 -80 people
- 1 to 100 people
- Short & Long Term Rental
- Desk Space and Co-Working
- 100% FREE, No Finder’s Fee
- Serviced & Unserviced Offices
- Private and Shared Office Space
- Serviced Offices and Managed Offices
This superb purpose-built business centre provides contemporary serviced offices in a range of sizes and configurations, on flexible terms, to suit your business. Air conditioning, reception staff and support teams, kitchen areas, state-of-the-art technology, car parking, showers, on-demand meeting rooms and showers, are all provided for your convenience.This business centre is conveniently located on a new business park, directly off the M621 ring road. The building has direct links to the main motorway networks including the M1 and the M62 and is just two miles from Leeds City Centre, with the White Rose shopping centre and local hotels just minutes away.
Prices (Per workstation/P/M ) will vary depending on size of office required and current availability.
We cover 99 % of the UK OFFICE SPACE & SERVICED OFFICES market.
We will find your ideal office space for you, ensuring that it meets your requirements in terms of flexible terms, budget and location.