Property Information
Tudor Square, West Bridgford, Nottingham, Nottignhamshire
, NG2 6BT
, Nottignhamshire
, United Kingdom
Price: Rent: Per Month
Size: 130 to 139 sqm
Primary Category: Office
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH613439
Property Ref/Agent: The Landmark
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
Amazing bright, stylish space now available at The Landmark set in the heart of the popular suburb.
Only 5 mins from the city centre,
Close to Bus/Trains.
The office offers over 1500 sq. ft. of newly decorated space made up of:
Open space
Managers office
Meeting room
Storage area.
There is a further on-site meeting room.
Kitchen area/breakouts.
Amazing outdoor decked area with bistro tables and chairs.
24/7 access.
High speed internet
Available on lease or licence.
CALL 0115 7841616 OR 07757 629 578 to arrange a viewing.