Property Information
7 Beresford House, Town Quay, Southampton, Hampshire, South East, SO14 2AQ, ENGLAND
, SO14 2AQ
Price: Rent: £63,000 Per Annum
Size: 3151 sq ft292 sqm
Primary Category: Office
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH617193
Property Ref/Agent: 1522
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
7 Beresford House is a self-contained first floor office suite within Town Quay. The property has undergone a full refurbishment and benefits from open plan office space with LED lighting, new air conditioning, w/c and kitchen. Other benefits include:- Views over Southampton Water, prominent waterside location, open plan, underfloor trunking, shared shower facilities, car parking for 10 cars.