Property Information
Kintyre House, 209, West George Street, Glasgow
, G2 2LW
Price: Rent: £14 Per Annum
Size: 5248 to 5252 sqm
Primary Category: Office
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH617259
Property Ref/Agent: Ryden_4484
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
Kintyre House occupies an unrivalled north facing position on one of Glasgow's widest and most elegant of streets.
Offering the best office location in Glasgow - right in the very heart of the traditional Central Business District.The property's close proximity to both mainline railway stations, all other public transport hubs and the finest restaurants, hotels and retail offerings make this locale the choice of the business occupier.Kintyre House was comprehensively refurbished in 2011 to provide the highest quality specification and finishes.