Property Information
Hollinwood Lane, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
, NG14 6NR
, Nottinghamshire
, United Kingdom
Price: Rent: POA
Size: 372 to 4459 sqm
Primary Category: Industrial
All Categories:
Land, Industrial,
Property Ref/Movehut: MH628082
Property Ref/Agent: 5121
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
This high quality headquarters building with first class office, boardroom and staff welfare facilities over three floors (second floor to shell finish only).
The high bay warehouse has an eaves height of 8.60m to underside of haunch.
The warehouse is currently sub-divided into three bays but can be returned to single occupancy. 5 full height 6m level access automated loading doors provide access.
The warehouse is fitted with translucent roof light panels to provide excellent levels of natural light supplemented by suspended sodium vapour lamps.
In addition to the main building there is a smaller self-contained stores building with staff welfare facilitate and an open fronted storage unit. This can be occupied with the main unit or separately.
High quality air conditioned office accommodation over 3 floors
Warehouse clear eaves height 8.60m
Substantial yard and external storage areas of up to 10 acres available
Retail/residential development opportunity on part of the site extending to 3 acres
The site benefits from valuable Waste Licences and consent to operate a MRF facility