Property Information
Commercial Development Site, Stephenson Drive, Gloucester, Gloucestershire
, GL2 2AG
, Gloucestershire
, United Kingdom
Price: Buy: POA
Size: SOA
Primary Category: Land
All Categories:
Land, Leisure,
Property Ref/Movehut: MH646877
Property Ref/Agent: 17546
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
The site is located on Brunel Court, just off Stephenson Drive, and extends to approximately 0.303 hectares (0.75 acres).
An entrance has been constructed to provide access off Brunel Way. At present, it is a clear overgrown site with a bund around the perimeter.
Planning consent was granted at Waterwells Business Park for (Outline) Comprehensive development of land for Classes B1 & B8 Employment uses, with ancillary A1, A2 & A3 uses, open space, park and ride car park, landscaping and associated drainage and highway works.
The Use Classes have been restructured with the creation of a new Class E (Commercial, Business and Service) which combines A1 (Retail), A2 (professional services) and A3 (restaurants and cafes), B1 (offices) and some elements of D1 (non-residential institutions) and D2 (Assembly and Leisure) including gyms, health clubs, clinics and crèches