Property Information
Ransom Hall, Ransom Wood Business Park, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
, NG21 0HJ
, Nottinghamshire
, United Kingdom
Price: Rent: POA
Size: 9 to 929 sqm
Primary Category: Office
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH649583
Property Ref/Agent: 6596
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property Date Information
Last Updated: November 1, 2024
Property description
The Ransom Wood Business Park is set in 70 acres of woodland providing a range of office accommodation in a variety of sizes along with leisure facilities such as a crèche and a restaurant / café.
Ransom Hall comprises a two storey character property arranged in four wings surrounding a communal garden courtyard.
The offices provide a range of mixed sized cellular accommodation with carpet covered floors and solid ceilings with fluorescent strip lighting. There are wcs on each floor and a kitchenette on the ground floor.
Range of sizes in picturesque surroundings
Established Business Park with leisure facilities
Plentiful parking allocated at 1:200 sq ft occupied
Suites from 100 sq ft to stand alone properties of 10,000 sq ft