Property Information
The Fairfax, 10 Fairfax Street, Bristol
, BS1 3BN
Price: Rent: POA
Size: 333 to 6616 sqm
Primary Category: Office
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH650356
Property Ref/Agent: 483
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property Date Information
Last Updated: September 11, 2024
Property description
A large office space in the centre of Bristol. Currently undergoing a complete overhaul of the entire building with a proposed completion date of Q1 2022.
Tower House is a landmark 14 storey building that will provide occupiers with contemporary office accommodation. The building will offer floors that can be easily divisible to accommodate meeting rooms or individual offices, as required. Floors will be available either as whole floors or in part or combined allowing occupiers of different sizes to move into Tower House and expand as their business grows.
As of May 2020
PROPOSED CAR PARKING - Likely to only have 1 space per whole floor to be given at next door NCP
PROPOSED CYCLE FACILITIES - Looking to have 70 cycling spaces.
As of May 2020
Part of the 2nd floor overlooks the reception/entrance.
Part of the 3rd floor has a roof terrace (may be hard to split)
As of May 2020
PROPOSED BUILDING FACILITIES - Looking to have cards or phone app for the entry system | 24/7 access, not 24/7 security but CCTV externally manned | The reception will be about 3,000 sq ft to include meeting pods, meeting rooms with demountable partition to create one large boardroom | Potentially adding coffee man into reception area for tenants in the building only (may be subsided by the s/c (about £20,000)) | Super loos at lower floor and ground floor (maybe 1st floor) then refurbish 6 other floors which have separate male and female and leave the already refurbished WCs within the building