Property Information
Edgeley House, Tottle Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
, NG2 1RT
, Nottinghamshire
, United Kingdom
Price: Rent: POA
Size: 6092 sq ft566 sqm
Primary Category: Office
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH651273
Property Ref/Agent: 5207
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
Edgeley House is a detached two-storey purpose built office of cavity brick and blockwork elevations under a pitched tile roof. Internally, the building has been fitted to a high standard and at present has been partitioned to provide a number of meeting rooms, private offices and open plan work areas. Upon expiry of the existing lease, the property will be converted back to its original open plan specification.
High profile location
Established business park
18 on-site parking spaces
Excellent transport links to the City and M1