Property Information
Circus Street, Brighton, East Sussex, South East, BN2 9QF, ENGLAND
, BN2 9QF
Price: Rent: £25,000 Per Annum
Size: 592 sq ft54 sqm
Primary Category: Investment
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH656422
Property Ref/Agent: 3743
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
A range of retail and workshop spaces sized from 592 sq ft - 1,130 sq ft. The units are built to shell only with capped services. Tenants will be responsible for the internal fit out. Available April 2021
The development comprises 30,000 sqft of office space, 142 new homes, 450 student bedrooms, a 20,000 sq ft Dance Space; a colourful, collaborative new home for South East Dance, and 9,000 sq ft of retail set around buzzing public spaces.