Property Information
382 & 384 Sharrow Vale Road, Sharrow Vale, Sheffield, S11 8ZP
, S11 8ZP
Price: Rent: £12,750 Per Annum
Size: 474 sq ft44 sqm
Primary Category: Shop
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH656488
Property Ref/Agent: 382 & 384 Sharrow Vale Road, Sharrow Vale, Sheffield, S11 8ZP - 64085
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
The property comprises two single ground floor shops (with basement), within a two storey building of brick construction with pitched slate roof.
Internally the accommodation includes an open plan sales area, rear store area and WC (with wash basin) respectively in both prospective units. There is a trap door access to the basement area. Approximately 3.66m shop frontage for each shop unit. The original internal crosswallls and internal staircase have been removed. Refurbishment works are currently being undertaken and the shop units will be ready occupation from
Summer / Autumn 2021 (tbc)
There is potential for the shop units to merge as one larger shop unit, although further works would be required. Landlord preference is to let as two single units.