Property Information
2nd Floor, 58 High Street, Newcastle Under Lyme
, ST5 1QE
Price: Rent: £6,500 Per Annum
Size: 1091 sq ft101 sqm
Primary Category: Office
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH664072
Property Ref/Agent: 10721
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
A second-floor self-contained office suite briefly comprising a large open plan office together with two private offices, kitchen and toilet. The suite is accessed via a communal door facing the High Street which leads into a lobby area with stairs leading to the upper floors. The suite is shortly to be refurbished to include the complete redecoration of the unit and replacement of the floor coverings. There will also be one car parking permit included in the rent relating to a large multi-storey car park to the rear of the property.