Property Information
21-23 Nansen Road, Leicester, Leicestershire
, LE5 5FY
, Leicestershire
, United Kingdom
Price: Property no longer available.
Size: 26453 sq ft2458 sqm
Primary Category: Industrial
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH668756
Property Ref/Agent: 2550
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
The property comprise an established mainly single storey industrial unit with part first floor offices and storage located in the Evington district of Leicester.
Internally the unit has clearance heights ranging from circa 4.2m to 6.5m and incorporates a side amenity section. The front two storey offices are mainly open plan
Loading is over a front roller shutter door and the forecourt provides parking to the property.
Sought after location
Clearance heights 4.2m to 6.5m
Front loading
Rare freehold opportunity