Property Information
Stodman Street, Newark, Nottinghamshire
, NG24 1AW
, Nottinghamshire
, United Kingdom
Price: Rent:
a : £230,000
Size: 3122 sq ft290 sqm
Primary Category: Leisure
All Categories:
Leisure, Shop,
Property Ref/Movehut: MH669242
Property Ref/Agent: 45StodmanStreet
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property Date Information
Last Updated: July 31, 2024
Property description
The historic market town of Newark stands on the River Trent and has a retail catchment population estimated to be in excess of 125,000 residents.
The town has a higher than average range demographic and age demographic indicating more affluent residents.
Newark is a sub-regional shopping centre enjoying good transport links with Northgate Railway Station approximately 600m to the north.
Nottingham is 20 miles to the south-west, Lincoln 25 miles to the north-east on the A46 dual-carriageway. The A1 runs alongside the eastern edge of the town and the A46 passes the town to the north connecting with Leicester and Lincoln.
The property is located in the prime retail historic core with complementary neighbours and high levels of footfall.
Castlegate is located to the west which enjoys strong vehicular flow. Middlegate is located to the north linking to Kirkgate.
The area is a protected retail environment with nearby occupiers including FatFace, Boots, Vodafone, Superdrug and other high street brands.
Net Internal Window Frontage 6.2m
Sales Area
including demountable partition Kitchen Area 178sqm 1,920sqft
Upper Floor 53.8sqm 580sqft
Second Floor 33sqm 360sqft
A side entrance leads to an external shared staircase giving access to the first-floor terraced area.
All viewings are to be made by appointment through the agent.
Poyntons Consultancy.