Property Information
253 Barnwell Road, Cambridge, East Of England
, CB5 8SL
, East Of England
, United Kingdom
Price: Property no longer available.
Size: 1320 sq ft123 sqm
Primary Category: Leisure
All Categories:
Leisure, Office, Industrial,
Property Ref/Movehut: MH682165
Property Ref/Agent: 3248
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
The property comprises a business unit previously used as a veterinary surgery that forms part of a terrace of units fronting on to Barnwell Road. The Units are of brick and block construction under a steel portal frame with grey cladding to the upper parts. The ground floor front elevation benefit from large glazed double doors. Internally, the space is currently split up into a mixture of open and plan and cellular spaces that could be used for treatment/medical uses or
office space.