Property Information
Cottage Spring, Franchise Street, Wednesbury, West Midlands
, WS10 9RG
, West Midlands
, United Kingdom
Price: Property no longer available.
Size: 928 sq ft9989 sqm
Primary Category: Leisure
All Categories:
Land, Leisure,
Property Ref/Movehut: MH682612
Property Ref/Agent: 151
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
The public house comprises a two storey brick building with pitched pan tiled roof with single storey flat roof extensions to the rear.
The property also benefits from a surfaced and white lined car park providing 15 spaces together with a substantial smoking shelter adjoining the entrance to the trading area from the car park.
The beer garden is located to the rear of the site with a timber pergola.
The site area extends to circa 0.234 acres. The ground floor footprint is approx. 2200sf. (Source Nimbus Maps).
Community pub with Development Potential - Wednesbury, nr Walsall.
Substantial prominent Public House in established residential area. Currently closed.
Beer garden to the rear and 15 space car park alongside. Site area circa 0.234 acres.
Includes two trading rooms and former kitchen.
Two bedroom living accommodation at first floor.
Development/ conversion opportunity for residential and commercial uses subject to planning.
There are no staff to transfer under the TUPE regulations.
Freehold offers in excess of £265,000 are invited subject to contract and exclusive of VAT where chargeable.