Property Information
94 Ripon Street, Preston, Lancashire
, PR1 7UJ
, Lancashire
, United Kingdom
Price: Property no longer available.
Size: 1344 sq ft125 sqm
Primary Category: Shop
All Categories:
Land, Shop,
Property Ref/Movehut: MH682641
Property Ref/Agent: 8697
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
The subject comprises what was originally 2 dwellings, firstly number 94 Ripon Street and secondly number 1 Lowndes Street. The property in recent times has been utilised as a funeral parlour and has been adapted to suit that use and to combine the two separate properties for single occupancy. The property is pavement fronting to Ripon Street and Lowndes Street whilst to the rear is a small enclosed yard area. As a result of the property formerly being two dwellings 2 staircases remain. The property comprises a reception office room, 2 further offices and a store/kitchen area, a further store/porchway to the rear yard, stairwell access to basement and first floor. At the first floor the accommodation comprises a number of rooms utilised previously as offices or storage numbering 5 in total along with WC. To the basement is a single open plan space which has restricted height to circa 1.5m.