Property Information
Broadway & St Mary's Gate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
, NG1 1PS
, Nottinghamshire
, United Kingdom
Price: Property no longer available.
Size: 31802 sq ft2954 sqm
Primary Category: Investment
All Categories:
Investment, Land, Leisure, Office, Healthcare,
Property Ref/Movehut: MH683089
Property Ref/Agent: 8380
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
A unique opportunity to acquire a substantial portfolio in the heart of The Lace Market, Nottingham.
A substantial freehold available for 1st time in over 40 years.
Extending to 31,802 sq ft / 46,164 sqft on a GIA basis.
Rental income of £345,004* per annum (*once 'under offer' suite lease completed) providing a low average rent of £13 psf. Reversionary rent of £476,700 per annum once estimated rental values established.
Weighted Average Unexpired Lease Term of 2 years 5 months to expiry, 1 year to break. Let to a strong tenant line up including Stagemount, Pulse, Learning Pool and Rodgers Leask .
The property would also be suitable for alternative uses such as residential, subject to the requisite consents
NIA: 31,802 sq ft /
GIA: 46,164 sq ft
NIY of 8.10% and Reversionary Yield of 11.19%, once the property is fully let and ERV's achieved
The price represents a low capital value of £126 psf