Property Information
Baulker Lane, Clipstone, Nottinghamshire
, NG21 9BG
, Nottinghamshire
, United Kingdom
Price: Property no longer available.
Size: 39327 sq ft3654 sqm
Primary Category: Land
All Categories:
Land, Industrial,
Property Ref/Movehut: MH684645
Property Ref/Agent: 8404
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
The site is split into three distinct areas. At the front of the site lies a dilapidated former abattoir alongside a previously used residential dwelling.
The main building comprises a newer purpose-built abattoir consisting of steel portal frame construction with full height profile cladding supporting an insulated profile metal clad roof. The building is configured to provide office / welfare accommodation at first floor. The ground floor has been fitted out as an abattoir complete with several chill rooms.
The building benefits a good incoming power supply, mains gas, 2 dock level loading doors and additional loading facilities around the building.
All fixtures will be removed from the property however the chillers / refrigeration units are to remain in situ.
In the area of the dilapidated former abattoir and dwelling the site could offer part development / redevelopment potential in addition to the expansion land to the rear (2.76acres) which might be suitable for development.
The possibility of development / re-development would be subject to planning and no discussions have been held between the vendor and local authority in this respect.
Former Abbattoir with chillers
39,327 sq ft (3,653 sq m) on secure site on 7.70 acres (3.12 Ha)
Redevelopment / conversion opportunity (subject to Planning)
Located on fringe of Clipstone with strong road links