Property Information
The Bishops Site, Cambridge Road, Cambridge
, CB24 9NU
Price: Property no longer available.
Size: SOA
Primary Category: Land
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH685365
Property Ref/Agent: 20014125
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
The Property comprises a regular shaped cleared parcel of brownfield land, extending to approximately 0.21 hectares (0.53 acres). Directly opposite and to the north, sits the former railway station, now converted into a mixed use scheme of 12 flats and a café. The proposals at the Station Site, the former Railway Station Site, and the Bishops Site, were initiated through a Planning Performance Agreement for the improved development of the former Station area in the build up to the adoption of the Histon & Impington Village Design Guide SPD. To the south of The Property, the boundary is shared with existing private residential terraced houses and flats known as Pine Court.
Consented residential development opportunity
Prominent location next to Guided Busway
No affordable housing to be delivered
Permission for 38 private units
Planning ref: 21/02902/FUL
The Property falls within the planning jurisdiction of South Cambridgeshire District Council. The Statutory Plan covering planning policy and development control for the area is the South Cambridge Local Plan, adopted on 27th September 2018. The Property is neither Listed nor in a Conservation Area, however, The Property is covered by special policy E/8, which identifies the Histon & Impington station area as an area for Mixed-Use Redevelopment. Policy HIM17 of The Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan adopted in May 2021 recognises the extant consent on the Bishops site. Detailed planning permission (planning ref: S/0671/17/FL) was achieved for the demolition of the of the former Bishops Hardware Store and erection of 35 private, one and two bed residential apartments with associated access and parking. Subsequently a later approved S73 application for alterations to the parameters of the approved building envelope had become the extant consent (planning reference 20/03690/S73). A second full planning application (planning ref: 21/02902/FUL), sought to gain permission to alter the extant approved scheme and deliver an additional three private residential apartments, to create a total 38 residential apartments. The application ref 21/02902/FUL was approved on 24th June 2022 and through implementation has now become the extant consent. There is no on-site affordable housing provision requirement. By implication, all predevelopment conditions attaching to the extant consent have been discharged. All remaining undischarged conditions under the extant consent are to be discharged by The Purchaser.