Property Information
1498 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset
, BH11 9AD
, Dorset
, United Kingdom
Price: Rent: £12,000 Per Annum
Size: 753 sq ft70 sqm
Primary Category: Shop
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH691496
Property Ref/Agent: 10392
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property Date Information
Last Updated: September 9, 2024
Property description
To Let - Class E/ Sui Generis
Main Road Shop Premises
The busy Bournemouth suburb of Kinson is located approximately 5 miles north of the town centre and provides good local shopping facilities for the densely populated surrounding area whilst also offering excellent potential for passing trade.
The shopping facilities are located principally along the A341 which is the main northern arterial route serving the conurbation. Tesco Superstore is positioned nearby which is a 22,200 Sq. Ft. store with 243 car parking spaces in Kinson's heart close to the subject premises.
Nearby occupiers include Age UK, Domino's, Romeo's Piri Piri and various other local businesses.
The premises features an aluminium framed shop front, laminated floor and suspended acoustic tiled ceiling with concealed fluorescent/LED lighting and benefits from air conditioning and extraction.
Most recently operating as a Fish and Chip shop, the premises provides a large main sales/counter area with a separate kitchen space and additional rear storage (with sink unit), along with two WC's.
The property benefits from rear access with parking available on a first come first served basis.
Gross frontage 18' 0"
Internal Width 17' 1"
Shop Depth
47' 2" (max)
Sales space - 446 Sq. Ft.
(41.45 Sq. M)
Kitchen 122 Sq. Ft.
(11.32 Sq. M.)
Rear Storage 35 Sq.Ft. (3.24 Sq. M.)
2 x WC's
Current Total Net Internal Area -
603 Sq.Ft. (56.01 Sq. M.)
Potential Net Internal Area -
753 Sq. Ft. (70.01 Sq. M.)
Under the new planning regulations, we believe the current permitted use to be both Class 'E' and Suis Generis. This includes uses such as retail, professional services, cafe`, health clinics, indoor recreation/sport, office and takeaway.
All parties are advised to make their own enquiries of the local authority for confirmation
EPC Text
Asset Rating - E111
Rateable Value £9,800
Source The 2024/2025 small business multiplier is 0.499 (49.9p payable per £1). This determines what business rates are payable. All parties are advised to make their own enquiries for confirmation. *If you qualify as a 'small business' you may be eligible for substantial relief in connection with business rates payable. We advise all parties speak to the local authority in the first instance for confirmation.
Available by way of a new effective full repairing and insuring lease (by way of a service charge) for a term to be agreed, at a rental of £12,000 per annum, exclusive.
It is understood that the rent will not attract VAT.
The marketing of these premises are being undertaken with the agreement of the current tenant, in order to mitigate the losses of the landlord and those of the tenant but strictly without prejudice to the rights of the landlord in respect of arrears of rent, current and future rents and other obligations of the tenant.
Code Of Leasing
All interested parties should be aware of the Code of Leasing Premises 1st Edition, February 2020, for England and Wales, which recommends that they should seek professional advice from property professionals before agreeing or entering into a business tenancy.
Class E Premises in a busy trading location fronting Wimborne Road
Suitable for an array of uses (STP)
Highly Visible Unit
100% Business Rates Relief (subject to eligibility)
Net Potential Sales Area 753 Sq. Ft. (73.14 Sq. M.)