Property Information
69-73 Liddington Street & 60 Springfield Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
, NG7 7GE
, Nottinghamshire
, United Kingdom
Price: Property no longer available.
Size: 7565 sq ft703 sqm
Primary Category: Industrial
All Categories:
Land, Office, Warehouse, Industrial,
Property Ref/Movehut: MH691864
Property Ref/Agent: 8530
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
The site comprises of 2 secure fenced and gated yards. The first is accessed by Liddington Street and is surrounded by a number of single storey workshops and storage accomodation, along with a 3 storey office block which has a kitchenette and WC.The second yard is accessed from Springfield Street and in turn leads to a 2 storey warehouse which is the most substantial building within the site and comprises of brick block elevations under a metal sheet clad roof.
GIA: 7,565 sq ft (702.77 sqm)
Site area: 0.27 acres (0.11 ha)
Suitable for residential redevelopment, subject to requisite consents
Historic planning permission granted for 6 houses