Property Information
6.05 Hectares Of Arable Land, Newark Road, Norton Disney, Lincolnshire
, LN6 9JN
, Lincolnshire
, United Kingdom
Price: Property no longer available.
Size: 6 sq ft15 sqm
Primary Category: Land
All Categories:
Property Ref/Movehut: MH693441
Property Ref/Agent: 443267
*Please use the agent ref when calling the agent directly.
Property description
The field comprises 14.96 acres of grade 3 arable land available at Newark Road, Norton Disney in a quiet rural location. It is currently growing wheat which follows potatoes, stubble turnips and barley.
Arable Land at Norton Disney
Detailed Description
The field comprises 6.05 hectares (14.96 acres) of grade 3 arable land available at Newark Road, Norton Disney in a quiet rural location. It is currently growing wheat which follows potatoes, stubble turnips and barley.
The soils predominantly belong to the Blackwood Soil Association, characterised as deep permeable sandy and coarse loamy soils, capable of growing cereals; potatoes and sugar beet; some grassland and coniferous woodland.
The field is located down a quiet lane, southeast of the A46 and 1.3 miles west of Norton Disney. Access to the field is over a grass verge off the public highway.
Grade 3 Arable Land