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Land for sale - Buy land in West Bromwich

7 results

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Sale Price: POA
Size: 12 sq ft5 sqm

Build to Suit Opportunities G3778 Build to suit ...

Last Updated: July 26, 2024

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Buy: POA
Size: 12 sq ft5 sqm

Location:The site is located on the north eastern edge of Wednesbury, approximately 2km from...

Last Updated: July 26, 2024

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Buy: POA
Size: 928 sq ft9989 sqm

The public house comprises a two storey brick building with pitched pan tiled roof with single store...

Last Updated: July 26, 2024

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Buy: POA
Size: 4 sq ft

Location:The property is located to Bowling Green Road, close to the junction with Saltwells...

Last Updated: July 26, 2024

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Buy: POA
Size: 3564 sq ft331 sqm

A unique opportunity to acquire a mixed use asset with community space on ground floor and two x one...

Last Updated: July 26, 2024

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Sale Price: POA
37160 to 45358 sqm

The 11-hectare development site can accommodate a single 488,250 sq ft unit, making it one of the bi...

Last Updated: July 26, 2024

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Buy: POA

Location:The Site is approximately half a mile from Walsall Train Station and has easy acces...

Last Updated: July 26, 2024

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Location for your land in West Bromwich

Don't underestimate the importance of location when searching for land for sale in West Bromwich. You may be looking for land for sale in a convenient location close to transport links. No matter what your location requirements are, MOVEHUT can help you find an ideal plot of land for sale in West Bromwich.

Things to remember when buying land in West Bromwich

If you're searching for land for sale in West Bromwich, there are several points that you may find useful to bear in mind. A critical question to ask yourself when deciding on land for sale in West Bromwich is what type of land is suitable for your intended usage. Of course, your budget is another factor you will have to consider. Whatever individual specifications your business has, you can depend on MOVEHUT to deliver rapid results.

Land in West Bromwich that already has planning permission

If you're searching for land for sale in West Bromwich with planning permission, you should ensure the planning matches your intended usage. You will find that land is generally much more expensive if it has planning permission on it. This would, however, save you a lot of time and hassle as you would be able to start your business in West Bromwich straightaway. It is always worth checking the planning permission on any plot of land in West Bromwich before buying.

Land classes when buying in West Bromwich

No two pieces of land are exactly the same, and you will find that the uses of land can vary wildly in West Bromwich. For example, buying commercial land will allow you to use the land for commercial use but not for building houses or flats. Make your land search simple and effective, regardless of what type of land you're looking to buy.

Discover equestrian land for sale in West Bromwich

There is plenty of choices of equestrian land in West Bromwich to choose from, here at MOVEHUT. Equestrian land for sale can bring numerous benefits. By buying land for equestrian purpose in West Bromwich, you'll be able to use the land freely. If it's equestrian land you want to buy in West Bromwich, then let MOVEHUT help you.

Select to buy land in West Bromwich

When you've decided to acquire land, there are several factors you should take into account that go in favour of buying land in West Bromwich. One significant advantage of choosing land for sale in West Bromwich is that it can be customised according to your desired usage if it's vacant land whether it is to build a house from scratch or to be used as a car parking space to generate revenue. Despite the advantages mentioned, there will also be a number of negative points so make sure you take these into consideration before making that big commitment.
